P.P Thangal and group

The prestigious business of P.P Thangal group started in 1955 at Kolkata by late P.P Thangal. Then, in 1968, he relocated to Kerala and gradually became a registered buyer with the Tea Board of India under the name P.P Thangal Tea Dust Dealer. Our hard work, dedication and quality blends help us to capture many of markets in our region. By the time, we had established connections with most of the major tea producers and other market participants.

P.P Thangal Tea Dust

P P Thangal Tea Dust Dealer is a member of Tea Board of India and the first firm in the group with more than 50 years of experience.We work to satisfy our customers' demands by sourcing the greatest teas, conducting tastings, creating the finest blends, and more. We offer tea in any quantity to retailers and wholesalers as well, including for private labels.

P.P Thangal Tea Dust

P P Thangal Tea Dust Dealer is a member of Tea Board of India and the first firm in the group with more than 50 years of experience.We work to satisfy our customers' demands by sourcing the greatest teas, conducting tastings, creating the finest blends, and more. We offer tea in any quantity to retailers and wholesalers as well, including for private labels.

Asian marketing

Asian marketing was started in 2000 with a motive to supply spices and pulses both in bulk and small packs. We collects spices and pulses at its best , filters and also make sure in quality till it reaches you .

Solo detergent

In 2020, as part of our company's growth, we entered the non-food area as well and introduced Solo, a new detergent powder product. The Solo Colour and Solo Perfect Wash products are made to provide you with an exceptional clean in washing machines as well as when washing by hand.

Solo detergent

In 2020, as part of our company's growth, we entered the non-food area as well and introduced Solo, a new detergent powder product. The Solo Colour and Solo Perfect Wash products are made to provide you with an exceptional clean in washing machines as well as when washing by hand.

Our Products

Purchase high quality products from ppthangalgroup within affordable price and fast delivery


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